Medallion Long Platter - Rama Kaltu Kaltu Sampson

Sale price$47.50 AUD

This long platter has an incredible, deep orange recess against its wooden base. A gorgeous golden design rests in the centre. This is 'Kuntjanu'. Kuntjanu is near Pipalyatjara in the far north west corner of the APY Lands. It is here, in Kuntjanu, that the Wanampi lives. Wanampi is a big rainbow serpent. He is sleeping under the ground in the the big rockhole (tjukula). This is an important Tjukurpa story, where the snake represents men. 

Size: 26 x 11 x 2cm

Rama Kaltu-Kaltu Sampson was born c. 1936 in Pipalyatjara, in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands, living pre contact until his teen years. He was an accomplished painter and traditional ngangkari –spiritual healer. His strong knowledge of tjukurpa (dreaming) earned him much respect and his work has been exhibited across Australia. As an Anangu elder, Rama has a great wealth of traditional knowledge and skills. Rama’s country is Kuntjanu, and he is a custodian of the Wanampi Tjukurpa – the Rainbow Serpent Dreaming. Sadly he passed away in 2020. He requested his image and images still be used and took great comfort knowing his royalties will continue to support his extensive family.

Royalties from this product directly benefit the artist and their community

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