Barbara Pananka
Stirling Station, NT
Around 1950
12 products
About The Artist
As Fate (and our good fortune as art lovers) would have it, Barbara’s husband was the late Douglas Petyarre, whose six sisters – particularly Gloria, Kathleen, and Ada – would eventually become among the most influential artists of the Australian Aboriginal Art Movement. Barbara and Douglas would raise eight children on Country in Utopia – six daughters and two sons – nearly all of whom would become celebrated artists in their own right. Barbara’s six daughters are the ‘Numina Sisters’ – Sharon, Selina, Louise, Caroline, Jacinta, and Lanita – and it was Aunty Gloria, Aunty Kathleen and Aunty Ada who taught their brother's daughters to paint. One of her sons, Paul, was acknowledged very early in his career as being one of the most important young artists of the Utopian Aboriginal Art movement.
In 2008, after Douglas had passed and her children had moved to Darwin to focus on their careers as artists, Barbara moved to Darwin to be closer to her children and, eventually, her grandchildren. As the highly respected matriarch of this incredibly talented family, Barbara paints sacred stories of the women’s ceremonies from the Utopia Aboriginal Lands of the Eastern Desert region, including gathering of bush tucker to share, and ceremonial body painting.