Basket - Katie Lyons

Sale price$33.00 AUD

This unique weaved basket is made from Tjanpi (grass), acrylic wool and raffia by Katie Lyons from Tjanpi Desert Weavers. Even this small basket with no colouration is just gorgeous, showcasing the skill and beauty to Katie Lyons' art. 

Tjanpi Desert Weavers, a signatory to the Indigenous Art Code, is a dynamic social enterprise of the NPY Women's Council. Tjanpi (meaning 'dry grass') supports Aboriginal women living in remote Central and Western desert communities to create contemporary fibre art.

When collecting desert grasses (minarri, wangurnu and yirlintji), women visit sacred sites and traditional homelands, hunt and gather food for their families, and teach children about country. Grass is bound with wool, string or raffia and combined with yirnirnti (red seeds of the bat-wing coral tree) and wipiya (emu feathers).

Size: 12D x 6H cm approx.

Royalties from this product directly benefit the artist and their community


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